-Mayan Hieroglyphs
Many ancient languages combine ideographs and logographs, single symbols representing words or phrases, with phonetics, making translation difficult. Examples of such linguistic systems can be found in a number of the languages from Mesoamerica, including Mayan hieroglyphs. The Mayan system is similar to Egyptian hieroglyphs, which translator Jean-Francois Champollion determined to be a combination of phonetic alphabet and symbols of ideas.
Lehigh University Catalog Record: https://asa.lib.lehigh.edu/Record/262337
Antonio Penafiel.
Catalogo Alfabetico de los Nombres de Lugar pertenecientes al idoma “Nahuatl” Studio Jeroglifico Nombres Geograficos de Mexico.
Mexico: Oficina Tip. De la Secretaria de Fomento, 1885.