About Library Exhibits
The goals of Lehigh Libraries exhibits are to enrich the knowledge, understanding, and appreciation of the Lehigh Libraries Special Collections and associated collections in support of the University’s mission. Our focus is on exhibitions that engage Lehigh and local, national, and international audiences. Exhibitions will seek to increase the collections’ visibility and Special Collections will work closely with Instruction and Outreach Librarians in relevant subject disciplines as well as with colleagues in Library Technology (LTS), Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning (CITL), and Administrative Services Group (ASG). Ties to the curriculum will be made in most cases. Selected faculty will be involved as consultants, contributors, or instructors as opportunities arise.
Under the leadership of the Curator of Special Collections working in concert with the University Librarian, Special Collections exhibitions in the Lehigh Libraries will:
- Promote increased awareness of Lehigh’s rich cultural heritage collections
- Promote the Libraries as a model educational and cultural institution offering opportunities for experiential learning
- Strengthen LTS’s educational role through exhibitions linked to Lehigh’s curriculum
- Increase the interpretive capacities of exhibitions through the development of printed and online materials, including a virtual version of the exhibition
- Create exhibitions with broad appeal for diverse, intergenerational audiences
Special Collection exhibition catalogs from 1958-1986 are available in Lehigh's digital repository.