-The Adventures of Simplicissimus


An adventure story loosely based on Grimmelshausen's experience during the Thirty Years War in which he fought, Simplicissimus recounts the life and growth of an innocent boy following the destruction of his village. This work is primarily set in the real world, including locations like Cologne, Paris, Moscow, and an island in the South Atlantic. However, the story also incorporates some imaginary elements such as the magical bottomless lake Mummelsee, which is inhabited by water spirits and serves as an entry into Centrum Terrae. This subterranean region is ruled by a water spirit king and is the center of a network of magic lakes around the world.

Hans Jakob Christoph von Grimmelshausen (1625-1676).
The Adventures of Simplicissimus. New York: The Limited Editions Club, 1981.

Lehigh University Catalog Record: https://asa.lib.lehigh.edu/Record/81423

A version of this text has been digitized and is available through the Internet Archive.

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