The Eckley B. Coxe Mining Laboratory
The Eckley B. Coxe Mining Laboratory was named by the University Trustees in honor of Coxe who was a valued trustee of Lehigh from 1871 to his death in 1895. He was universally recognized as a pioneer and leader in mining engineering in the United States. Upon his death, Sophia F. Coxe, his wife, donated to Lehigh over 10,000 items from his working engineering library, as well as funds for the construction of the Coxe Mining Laboratory. Originally the laboratory was completely furnished with large mining equipment and facilities for the education of mining engineers. The Coxe building currently serves as headquarters for the English as a Second Language Department and the Global Union. Coxe Laboratory was dedicated June 11, 1910 along with the Fritz Engineering Laboratory. It is now named Coxe Hall.