Louis Moore Richards, 1902-1958

Louis Moore Richards (1902-1958)

Louis Moore Richards graduated from Lehigh in 1924 with a degree in Mechanical Engineering. In the summer of 1922, he had a summer internship with Rogers and Hagerty Co., general contractor of the Hill-to-Hill Bridge and wrote a report on it with general information, photographs and descriptive information. Richards’ student records displayed here show typical Lehigh engineering students' academic engagements.

Richards owned and operated Richards Fuel Oil and Heating Company in Somerville New Jersey where he lived with his family until his death in 1958.

Louis Moore Richards (1902-1958)
Summer Report 1922 on Hill & Hill Bridge: Being Built by Roger & Hagerty, Bethlehem, Pa.
Lehigh University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 1922.

Epitome 1925
Publication of the Junior Class of 1926, Bethlehem Pa. 1925.