A Life of Audubon


John James Audubon.

Shortly after John James Audubon's death in 1851, the literary world and curiosity seekers alike responded to the void created by his passing, and penned biographical accounts of his accomplishments and exploits. Audubon was a romantic figure to many of his contemporaries, and a hero to those growing up in the new country of America. His own tales of his adventures and experiences on the American frontier provided fodder for novels and biographical accounts of the artist and ornithologist's life, as he captured the hearts and imaginations of young and old alike.

Represented here is a selection of the many nineteenth and early twentieth century Audubon biographies drawn from Lehigh's collections. Titles, such as Adventurous Audubon; Audubon: The Naturalist in the New World; and Audubon's Adventures; or, Life in the Woods, all serve as testimony to the recognition he received as an American frontiersman and explorer.