About the Exhibit
"The American Environment through Travelers' Eyes", the new Linderman Library exhibit, opens on February 9, 2011. The exhibit, which follows on the heels of "Environmental STEPS: Environmental Education and Action at Lehigh", is part of a celebration of library resources in environmental history planned to commemorate the opening of the new STEPS building. The exhibit, which is on display throughout Linderman, features travel associated with specific modes of transportation, such as the automobile, trains, and ships in the Caf Gallery. Exhibition space on the first floor displays important works in both North and South American travel. The Bayer Galleria on the third floor will display examples of travel undertaken by Lehigh faculty, staff, and students. Material will detail educational field trips, as well as travel motivated by scientific exploration and discovery. Please also visit the Parents' Gallery on the fourth floor to view a selection of contemporary works.
Physical exhibition dates: 02/09/2011-07/01/2011