About the Exhibit
Linderman’s exhibit, In the Spirit of Giving, showcases a range of acquisitions received as gifts to Special Collections. Thanks to the generosity of many Friends of Lehigh, including Alumni, Faculty, Staff, Students, and a myriad of others who have supported Special Collections in recent years, Lehigh’s historical collections have grown in size, breadth and uniqueness. We have chosen to highlight those gifts received since Linderman reopened following an extensive renovation in 2007, continuing the tradition of filling this magnificent facility with surprising treasures.
Special Collections takes this opportunity to give visitors and the Lehigh community a glimpse of many of those recent gifts, perhaps inspiring future generations of donors who may help build the collections. Featured are rare books, manuscripts, local history materials, and Lehigh memorabilia now available for research. On display are an important 18th century book on probability donated by Lehigh’s Department of Mathematics; a fine press book detailing aspects of the Adirondack Mountains donated by an alumnus; and examples of the various means by which generations of Lehigh students and alumni demonstrated their school spirit. Perhaps one of the most unusual gifts received in recent years was that of a “ship’s letter”, an 1807 document signed by both Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, granting its bearer, Lewis Girdler, permission to conduct trade in ports around the world.
The exhibit was on display on the ground floor (both in the Café Gallery and in Lucy’s Café), the first floor reading room, and the Bayer Galleria though November 4th, 2011. We are pleased to present an online version of this tribute.
Physical exhibition dates: 7/29/2011 - 11/4/2011