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[Letter] 1854 January 16, Tavistock House, London [to] William De Cerjat, Lausanne, Switzerland / Charles Dickens.
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Travistock House, London Monday Sixteenth January 1854 Dear Cerjat, [undecipherable]. The accused pleads guilt. He throws himself upon the mercy of the court. He [undecipherable] his [undecipherable] for getting up, in the course of his travels, was three o clock in the morning, and his work how for [undecipherable] the next night. That the places in which he [undecipherable] deviated from these rules of [undecipherable], were Rome and Venice; and that of those cities of fame he shut himself up in solitude, and wrote Christmas papers for the incomparable publication known as Household Words. That his correspondence at all times, arising out of the business of the said Household Words alone was very heavy. That his offence, though [undecipherable] committed was unavoidable, and that a nominal punishment will meet the justice of the case. We had only three bad days out of the whole time. After Naples which was very hot, we had very cold clear bright weather. When we got [undecipherable], we found the greater part of the inn shut up and the people gone - no visitors whatsoever - an plenty of snow. These were the very best circumstances under which to see the pace, and we