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#06 [Letter] 1797 July 5, New York [to] James Monroe / Alexander Hamilton.
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it must be understood from the contest that this acknowledge
ment was made to the same three Gentlemen.
The peculiar nature of this transaction renders
it impossible that you should not recollect it in all its parts
and that your own declaration to me at this time contra-
dicts absolutely the construction which the Editor of the
Pamphlet puts upon the affair.
I think myself entitled to ask from your can-
dour and justice a declaration equivalent to that which was
made me at the time in the presence of Mr Wolcott by your-
self and the two other Gentlemen, accompanied by a con-
tradiction of the Representative in the comments cited
above_ And I shall rely upon your delicacy that the
manner of doing it will be such as one Gentleman has
a right to expect from another- especially as you must
be sensible that the present appearance of the Papers is
contrary to the course which was understood between us to
be proper and includes a dishonourable infidelity some-
where_ I am far from attributing it to either of the three
Gentlemen; yet the suspicion naturally falls on some agent
made use of by them.
I send you the copy of a memorandum
of the substance of your declaration made by me the