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#13 [Manuscript] on miracles / [Isaac Newton].
Revision as of Jan 27, 2017, 4:44:45 PM, edited by Kea217
Pag 5 lin 7- <undecipherable> released & confirmed & by these <undecipherable> doth remiss release & confirm unto the said Cath. Barton (in her actuall possession now Bring by virtue of a Bargain - - - - & By force of the statute made for transferring of uses into possession) the said Office of Keeper & the custody of the said Park &c
Philosophy is not to <undecipherable>
For Miracles are so called not because they are the works of God But because they
happen seldom & for that reason create wonder. If they should happen constantly
according to certain laws inprest <undecipherable> upon the nature of things, they
or miracles
would be no longer wonders^but might be considered in Philosophy as a
part of the Phenomena of Nature [notwithstanding their being the effects
of Gods laws impressed upon Nature By the powers of God] notwithstanding
that the cause of their causes might be unknown to us. Any Occult qualities
have been exploded not be because their causes are unknown to us but Because
<undecipherable> By giving that name of occult gives to the specific qualities of things, <undecipherable>
<undecipherable> a stop has been put to all inquiry into the causes as if they could
not be known because <undecipherable the great Philosopher Aristotel <undecipherable> was able to find <undecipherable>
alters & miracles & occult qualities
Leibnitz ^ enlarges the signification of the words ^ that he may make use of
them in exploding (I do not say confusing) them <undecipherable>
Philosophy of Isaac Newton so
far as if reliable to the argument for proving a Deity
from the phenomena of nature. And as the