Historical photos and articles
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Historical photos and articles
Lehigh trees
“Historical photos and articles,” Lehigh Library Exhibits, accessed February 19, 2025, https://exhibits.lib.lehigh.edu/items/show/3176.
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- Postcard, 1909, Sayre Park
- 6_Hydebook_campus treesp9.pdf
- LU Trees 16.pdf
- sayrepark.jpg
- View of Linderman Library, 1891
- lehighalumbulljune34.jpg
- globephoto2010.jpg
- gothirsty.jpg
- spring from lehighalumnibull2908p9.jpg
- p.jpg
- Memorial walkway, 1937
- Memorial walk, 1940
- Library of Congress, 1862 Lehigh County map
- Topographical map, Northampton County, South Mountain or South Bethlehem
- In the midst of forest trees...
- tree surgeons.jpg
- TREE MGT1041963treemgt7x7ishfoam.jpg
- francis-tremblay.jpg
- 20170823_123949.jpg
- View of two men walking next to a stream down from Prospect Point, Lehigh University.